Monday, September 8, 2008

Prayer Request for Will

Will is having surgery at Children's Medical in Dallas at 10 am Tuesday, Sept. 9. We appreciate your prayers for the following:

* God will give the surgeons and various physicians and nurses wisdom, steady hands, and love for Will

* a successful surgery, quick recovery and healing with minimal pain

* no complications from the anesthesia, surgery or pain medications

* we will be able to comfort Will and soothe his fears and discomfort

* his parents (& grandparents) to feel peace, confidence and assurance in those who will be caring for their baby - we are so grateful for Will's doctors who are incredibly qualified in each of their specialities - best of the best!

The length of his hospital stay will be determined by his pain level and ability to take nutrition. We are so grateful for your prayers...we'll keep you posted!

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