Monday, June 16, 2008


We recently spent a week in Panama City Beach. I have been going to this beach every year since I was a little girl. I brought Tom here before we were married, Katie took her first steps here and both kids learned how to swim here. We have such wonderful memories in this place that is like a second home to us and this year we added more by introducing our grandson Will to PCB! Will was a real trouper! He drove with his mommy and I for 12 hours while his grandaddy Tom aka "Cookie" flew! Daddy Reagan stayed behind in Midland because he had another trip planned and only has so much vacation time... Will was an awesome car traveler - he has flown 20 times but this was his first long car trip! We had a great daily routine - every morning Will would wake up happily talking (loudly- doesn't seem to have a volume control) and I aka "Lovie", would feed him breakfast, play, put on sunscreen and then head to the beach with Tom. Mommy Katie would sleep as late as she could and then join us on the beach. Will would take his morning nap in a playpen and then play and swim in the ocean and then he'd swim in the pool - impressing everyone with his expertise and making the older kids with "floaties" feel pressured. He'd eat lunch at the beach and then take a nap with Tom at the condo while his mom & Lovie sunbathed. Then it was afternoon playtime, dinner, bath and bed.

Tom and I realized how much we miss the simple routine that babies bring into your life. The consistency and the fun in that routine. There is a deep peace that comes from knowing what you will do next and there is deep joy in seeing the world through the eyes of someone discovering every little thing.

Wishing you peace & joy this summer!

1 comment:

Katie - a Blessed Mommy! said...

WAY TO GO, MOM!!! So proud of you for joining the blog world!!! :) Watch out, it's addicting! Before you know it, everything in life fits into one of two categories- blogable or unablogable!